Friday, October 21, 2011

The one where I disappeared for a month... WHOOPS

So uh, remember that one time, I was going to write on a blog and update everyone about the pregnancy? yeah, uh, about that. Kind of fail at life on that one.

But I have excuses (so much work! family issues! college reunions at homecoming! working on the house!)... however I will not bore you with them. Just know that I'm sorry for being so forgetful...

Speaking of forgetful... you remember when I talked about The Stupids?! Totally found out there's a medical awesome term for it: Preg'nesia. It has also been to blame for triggering Tim's comment last night saying "Do we live in a college dorm!? Seriously, we are grown adults, what the heck!?"

I wish I could say we were doing something uber cool, or Tim was playing a game of beer pong or something... but it was actually about dinner. We were having leftover food (his Red Lobster from Sunday and my Jimmy Johns from Monday... I've been cooking dinners frequently. Obviously) and he went to get some lemonade. Well it was empty so he rinsed out the pitcher but it was still gross (days of sitting with leftover crud at the bottom). He asked where the other pitcher was and I informed him that was the only one we had, so he would just have to hand wash it. He opens up the dishwasher and tries to put it in there and I told him "Yeah, that would work, if we didn't run out of dishwasher detergent like 2 weeks ago."

Sooooo I haven't been so awesome at the whole cooking/grocery shopping thing. Uh... I'll work on that...eventually....

Moving on from my obvious domestic skills...Like I told you last time, we had our gender ultrasound and found out we were having a little boy! Three weeks later we had our actual doctor's appointment and I was a little worried they would switch and tell us it was a girl. Not that I wouldn't want one or the other, but I feel like I wouldn't trust either until the baby actually came. And I'm a planner. So having to spend 5 months without planning things like the name, or colors for the nursery... not cool. BUT it was confirmed, we are definitely having a little boy!

The rest of the visit didn't go so well though :(. We were told that the baby has an arrythmia, meaning he has an irregular heartbeat that skips around or pauses. The doctor assured us it was pretty common, as the circulatory systems are still developing but at our next appointment she will check it again. If he still has the irregularities they are going to bump up the frequency of my appointments to every 1-2 weeks until it corrects itself or delivery, just so they know what is going on as much as possible.

Eh, that news wasn't great but the doctor wasn't concerned so I told myself I wouldn't be either... and then she had more to add.

The whole point of the 19 week ultrasound I had was to check the baby, do measurements, check the organs and vital systems, check the face and spine; basically make sure everything is forming as it should. Apparently the little boy is measuring great physically, he's actually 2 days ahead... but his organs aren't. They had a hard time getting a view of the organs and being able to check his systems. The doctor was really vague about all of this, but told us we aren't going to worry yet. She wanted me to come back in a few weeks to redo the ultrasound, to see if giving him a little more time to develope might do the trick... so our next ultrasound will be November 8, and hopefully all is well at that one! Tim told me later (in my stressed-out, worst case scenario emotional mess state that I worked myself into) that it is after all his son... and he will be ready when he's damn good and ready to be viewed. I just had to laugh at that, because yep... even though I'm a planner Tim is the DEFINITION of a "winger." I can't even get him to commit to a place to eat dinner! (you know... with all my culinary skills in high gear I never have to ask that anyway...)

SO that's where we're at. A few other updates:
  1. We have offically decided on the name... Aiden Ryhan. Ryhan is actually Tim's middle name so we thought we'd keep that tradition. I'm just so glad we finally came to a consensus. We're both a little.. uhhh... stubburn.
  2. We finished the ground work on the nursery! We painted the walls and Tim installed a chair rail. We have absolutly no idea what we're doing with this whole home improvement stuff, but we wing it. Sometimes it works... sometimes not so much. Luckily this time did though! It looks great!
  3. We got the crib! Mom and dad took us shopping and let us pick out the crib and they got it for us (some kind of tradition in mom's family that the grandparents buy the first crib!? Or she used that as the excuse... I have no idea BUT I am very grateful! Thanks mom!)
  4. We finished the registry for the baby shower! Everyone keeps asking me about it so I figured I might as well get it done now!
  5. Aiden has started kicking up a storm at certain times. The rest of the time I'm pretty sure he's just chillin in there, legs and arms crossed, probably even sleeping. Again, this is Tim's child haha. BUT when he does kick (usually after I have a fair amt of chocolate) it is the weirdest feeling! I kept getting it confused with a rumbling stomach, but finally got a good defined KICK and knew what it was. Tim keeps asking if he can feel it from the outside yet but sadly not :(
  6. WE ARE HALF WAY THROUGH THE PREGNANCY!!! I'm at 20 weeks... only another 20 more weeks until we meet this guy!
I think that's about all I've got for now! I will try to update again soon... I also want to give a shoutout and say Happy Birthday to Chelsea (edited: this was written on her birthday, but published the day after. STILL COUNTS!)... Amazing how those friends you've had since 7th grade, you can still remember their birthdays, yet I can't for the life of me remember what I ate for lunch yesterday. Eh, priorities!

Lastly: some pictures for you!