Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The one with the Gender!

I know... I'm sorry I've been neglectful. Life has gotten in the way, but I'm not going to unload it here.. just know that it's been a roller-coaster.


We had our elective 3D ultrasound on Saturday and my mom, dad, sister and Tim were all there to find out what we're having. We sat there for a good 10 minutes while we tried to get the baby to move to show us the "goods."  And I realized during that time that this kid is DEFINITLY ours... with our, uh, best attributes...

The baby had its back to us when we first got a glimpse... Back to us, legs crossed AND arms crossed. The ultrasound tech kept trying different angles and was getting nowhere, so he... started poking baby. Like, legit pushing on my stomach repeatedly to make the baby move. And you know what baby did? Shuffle around a little (as in get off me, How RUDE--in Stephanie Tanner-voice) and would go right back to his comfortable sleeping position. CAN WE SAY STUBBORN!?!?

The big news--its a boy!

I was so totally wrong about my little diva. Apparently all my symptoms are just because of my stubburn, pain in the neck little BOY who I already love, but holy cow is this kid gonna be a handful!

Not much else to update... we started on names but couldn't decide... and since we're both stubborn we're stuck on our top 2 favorites each... and neither one seems to be budging. Hopefully we'll figure it out in the next 4 months!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The one with the survey

Ok... I'm  not feeling on my "A" game these days, and I think it's because Timmy has given me a cold. He CLAIMS he can't give me a cold if he doesn't have a cold himself but I disagree... that kid has the immune system of a god and NEVER gets sick (the last time he was sick was almost 2 years ago when the Army gave him the live flu virus). BUT I argue that all those little germs he's picking up from the high schools where hes recruiting at are CLEARLY jumping onto him and coming home with him. Because you know... I'm not out in public all day too but WHATEVER... I'm a little cranky these days too (yeah, in addition to hormonal..yayyyyyy!).

So instead of updating you on my adventures of trying to find a comfortable sleeping position and making Tim watch hours of "Ghost Hunters" where I won't let him fall asleep because hello? I can't watch that stuff alone... I'll just cop-out and do a survey today!

Due date:
March 9, 2012

How far along are you now?:
15 weeks & 6 days

Boy or girl?:
Ask me again in 2 days, around 11:00am!

Was baby planned?:
Uhhhh... define planned :)

Do you know who the babies father is?:
Well... since I was in Texas for work a week before I got pregnant, the ongoing rumor is the baby will be a little Jesus or Juan. I have faith that Timmy's BLINDING WHITE genes will put that rumor to rest ;)

If so, who is it?:
Timmy... or Juan...

How did you find out you were pregnant?:
Well they have this test that you pee on. I thought I was doing it for a science experiment, but apparently my body had different plans!

What were your first symptoms?:
At the very beginning? Tiredness and bloating

Who did you tell first?:
Timmy... I decided to wait until after the baby to tell Juan

Who was with you when you found out?:
Shadow and Callie (our pups) haha

How far were you when you found out?:
4 weeks... it was 2 days before my period was due

What was your reaction?:
The first time I took it, shock... then when I showed Timmy and he called me a crazy lady (see here) and I took it the second day... I felt smug. Then scared. In about 2 nanoseconds. but some excitement too I guess...

What was the baby's father's reaction?
First day he called me crazy (again... ) or maybe just said he didn't see it. Whatever, details... The second day I didn't get to see his reaction because I, uh, you know... TEXTED HIM THE PICTURE AT WORK... Hmmm someday I'll have to ask the guys in his recruiting station if he puked. and then when he got home he was a little excited too...

What was your parent's reactions?:
We told mom first because dad had just left to run an errand and Tim and I can't keep secrets to save our lives... she was SO excited and wanted to know when my dad and sister would be home because she was bursting at the seams. She was already testing out grandma or nana variations...

My dad was bombarded with the news when he walked into the house, just kind of looked at us, poured himself a drink (scotch maybe?) and just sat down... He told us congratuations but I don't think the shock wore off for a good 30 minutes! Then he called all his family and friends and got harrassed by everyone because he'll be the first one to be a grandpa! He already was lining out what SIU and Colts gear he would get the baby...

Any names?:
Uhhh one of the first days after we found out we started talking about names... and HATED each other's picks for names. We decided to table the discussion until after we know the gender :)... He can't hurt a pregnant lady right?!

Have you heard the heartbeat? If so what was the HR?:
Yes! twice at the doctor... first time was 165, second was 155...
Secret confession: I ordered a Sonoline B pocket fetal monitor last week for $53 and got it Friday night... I spent Friday night trying to find it with Tim cracking up at the sounds I was picking up (the placenta makes a "whooosing" noise) and it also picks up my heartbeat with the baby's... which sounds like a galloping horse. Add it all together and Tim thinks I've got a mini-version of Jersey Shore in my stomach, complete with baby fist-pumping. I've listened to it 4 or 5 times since but the baby is a little jumping bean and hard to nail down!

Baby ancestral types?:
my side: mostly Italian and Irish, but I've got some English and other random European bloodlines in there as well thanks Grandpa B!
tim's side: mostly Irish.... his siblings have names like "Loriegh, Bridget, Avryl, Culhain, Ehrina..." And we have a "MC" last name... do you sense a heritage there?!

Will baby have any siblings?:
For the first 3 months we swore we hoped we were having twins because this was the only time I was going through this... everyone has told me though that once you have the first baby you'll want more... and I don't think I want my child to be an only child... there's something special about having siblings so we'll see!

Have you and dad felt baby move?:
Not yet... I do have gas pains but I'm pretty sure its just gas pains...

Who will be in the delivery room?:
Tim... he did thist to me and he can be there to face the pain with me!

Will you use medication?:
oh HELL yes... immediately please!
On my first doc. appt I asked my doctor her views on medication in labor... She just started  laughing and said "Erica, I wouldn't ask you to get a tooth pulled without medication... why in the hell would I ask you to push a baby out without it?!"

I love her.

Did you have morning sickness?:
Yes. I'll just leave it at that. I'm sure you all have heard more then enough about it :)

Yep... and it changes EVERYDAY... the past two days it was homemade chicken noodle soup.

Did you have any mood swings?:
Does constant bitch mode count as a "swing?" (sorry Tim)

Formula or breastfeeding?:
I'm about 99.9% sure this baby will be lactose intolerant (as were my sister and I) so I'm just assuming formula. If the baby isn't... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it!

When did you start to show?:
I think in the last day or two I'm getting to the point where I can't suck in my gut anymore, and its started to get harder... so I suppose around now. I don't think that I look pregnant yet to strangers though. Just that I like my doughnuts too much.. (whatever dude, you only WISH you could eat all those doughnuts...)

Are you excited?:
Yes... we are getting really excited. When we were talking about the ultrasound appointment on Saturday and Tim asked if I wanted to swing by Lowes after the appt. I asked him why and he said, "Because you know we will want to go get the colors for the nursery right then, and that's what can be our project for Saturday afternoon!"

Who will help with baby after their born?:
Tim... the Army will give him 10 days paternity leave so he can be home with me. In my head right now I want to start off on my own... I want to learn my own way with the baby and figure things out without fear of others being there to watch my mistakes. This is all in theory though and when in reality I'm sleep deprived  and overwhelmed I have faith my parents and/or sister will be at my doorstep. Hey there's a reason we moved just 15 minutes down the road!

What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?:
wait... there's supposed to be a good part to this!?!

just kidding... hearing the heartbeat and sharing the excitment with Tim is pretty good :)

What is the worst thing about being pregnant?:
All. The. Symptoms! and no drugs to make it better!

What one thing do you miss doing since being pregnant?:
Tanning! that might be superficial but I haven't been pale since I was 15 years old. It's going to be rough in the winter...

Any days you wish you weren't pregnant?:
No,  but there are days when I wish every pregnancy symptom would just go to hell

How many kids do you want?:
2 months ago? ONE

Now perhaps 2... I'm not even going to say the potential for 3 if the second one is as bad as the first!

How many pregnant women do you know?:
Two... one of the girls I work with and my cousin

Are you ready for baby?
define ready...

Monday, September 19, 2011

The One with the Cravings

Warning to Chelsea... you will probably be mad at me for this post because it will make you want to eat everything listed. Hey... I warned you :)

So people have been asking me if I've been craving anything, especially anything weird. For the past few weeks I'd tell them, no, not really... no huge cravings that I know of... but this is a lie. Not an INTENTIONAL lie, mind you, but still a lie. Or a blackout. I haven't decided which. Because there are some moments were some food is mentioned or there's a commercial on the TV and OMG I WANT IT NOW.

I always thought cravings meant something you craved throughout the pregnancy, so that's why I didn't think I really had any... because my cravings change about as often as my little diva changes my symptoms! One minute I'd be sitting there, trying to think of what sounded remotely good for dinner and what we had in the house when BAM! a Taco Bell commercial would come on the TV and OH MY GOSH I NEED A CHICKEN QUESADILLA RIGHT NOW!

And that's exactly how it happens... most of the time I'm not especially hungry, and nothing really sounds good. I'll nibble here and there but about once every 1-2 days IT will hit me... that got to have, don't care who gets it, what is this cost you speak of, craving for SOMETHING. Here is the list of the most persistant cravings... and possible most random ever:
  1. Taco Bell Chicken Quesadilla. I think I've had this at least 10 times in the past month. Maybe more. I tend to become too overjoyed while eating them to keep track.
  2. Sushi. Usually just sushi itself (a  nice California roll which is COOKED sushi)... but every once in awhile I will CRAVE that delicious spicy tuna roll... which is a big no-no for the raw fish and risk of mercury in tuna. Boooo.
  3. Blue Moon Beer. Since when did this beer start running commercials?! I'm pretty sure it started the day I got pregnant, and all I want is a delicious Blue Moon draft, with an orange slice on the side.
  4. Hot dogs. All day everyday. In fact, I had a footlong coney dog for lunch. Nutritious huh? Again, proving my theory that I'm carrying a redneck.
Those seem to be the nagging cravings that come and go. These are the random one-time cravings (for now!) that seem to have no reason!
  1. Shrimp. Specifically, hibachi-style shrimp. I mean... who doesn't want to pay an arm and a leg for a few pieces of shrimp and rice (but a show too!)...
  2. Brownies. If you recall, my random grocery shopping trip included the infamous pan of brownies that I ate (ok... maybe in like 2 days. DON'T JUDGE ME!) and haven't had the craving for since... although now that I'm thinking about it...
  3. Breadsticks. Only from Fazoli's though and I MIGHT'VE gone through the drive through and ordered a dozen. and they were gone by the next day. maybe.
  4. Cucumbers. With Italian dressing and salt on them. I had my fill and didn't look back... who needs veggies anyway.
  5. Hershey's cookies and cream. I haven't been craving sweets this pregnancy but every once in awhile the need strikes...
I'll have to update you on anymore of the randomness. That's all I've got for now. I really do have a theory going that this little diva is going to LOVE McDonald's. uh oh...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The one with the Pain in the Butt

So Tim told me yesterday he thinks I'm becoming a pregnancy hypocondriac. I told him I really, truly wish I was, because it would mean I really WASN'T experiencing all this stuff. But alas, I speak the truth... and my body has now decided to jump in and wreak havoc that I can't (fully) blame on my little navel orange (approx. 4.5 in).

Have you ever fallen on your butt while roller blading, sliding down the slide too fast, falling off a place you weren't supposed to be sitting on, or even slipping on ice and landing right on your tailbone? (I mean... me either. I'm TOTALLY graceful and haven't done the above mentioned multiple times). A few days ago I SWORE I must've taken a roller-blading trip and fallen during my dreams because my tailbone HURT. Like... I would grimace and usually groan out loud when sitting and standing, and walking for that matter. It was THAT painful!

I didn't attribute it to pregnancy at first because really, how random? The baby is in the front, and the emotional/hormonal/nasal/intestinal issues I understood (as the baby is the perfect parasite according to my doctor) but my tailbone? What the heck!? Well I Googled--yes I know... I'm not supposed to but let's be honest, will I ever truely NOT Google?!--and couldn't find any defninitive answers if my tailbone issues were related to my pregnancy or very violent dreams.

So I finally went to my last resort and called my doctor. Turns out, ready for this, it IS related to my little naval orange, as my body prepared for the massive basketball shape it would have to support. Simulataneously, your spine is curving to balance your weight the bigger you get, while your hips, joints, and liagments are becoming more relaxed and loose to accomodate widening and supporting the baby. From E-medicine: "Women experience a progressive increase in the anterior convex shape of the lumbar spine during pregnancy. This change, termed lordosis, helps keep the center of gravity stable and over the legs as the uterus enlarges."

Don't worry-- there's a picture to illustrate!

Oh my gosh, I know how jealous you all are of this, as it sound EXTREMELY fun and not painful AT ALL. But you lucky ladies will just have to wait until you get knocked up to experience these joys!

The other shifting and changing going on is something called round ligament pain, which occurs in your lower abdoment and happens when you strain your muscles that are slowly stretching out and expanding for your increasing stomach (uterus is entirely too adult for me to use seriously). I've learned... in conjuction of course with my bruised butt... that when you cough or sneeze... it creates and incredibly sharp shooting pain sensation in said area.

The key, then, is to avoid you know, coughing and sneezing... but when you're dealing with allergies (HI NETI POT) its not so easy to just switch off.

I swear I'm not complaining (much)... and I swear I'm not exaggerating. I can't even make half this crap up if I really tried (seriously... a bruised butt!?). Hopefully next week all my hunches about my little diva will be confirmed... but as Tim pointed out, any son of his is bound to be a pain in the butt JUNIOR soooo it looks like the good times will just keep rollin' either way. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

The one with the Neti Pot

Well I'm back with some fun, new, exciting symptoms! I literally told my doctor this morning that I must be having a girl and she will be a DRAMA QUEEN because holy mother of God I feel like I'm up to my eyeballs in symptoms!!

New life event: Allergies!

Now, I know that the summer-fall transition is always a time for allergies, and every year I might get the occastionally stuffy nose.. but this year it OUT OF CONTROL. I have TERRIBLE post nasal drip... where I can feel it all day long in the back of the throat, and all it does is aggrivate my already-annoying acid-reflux! WHAT THE HECK!?

Two weeks ago I was self-medicating (under doctor's approval!) with nightly Benadryl-induced comas, that at least offered me SOME relief from the runny nose, post nasal drip, and itchy eyes.This is not really an option during the days however... as my new bosses tend to FROWN on sleeping on my desk (probably with drool) in the middle of the day. Whatever, I'm pregnant, but apparently that excuse isn't good enough... slavedrivers! :)

SO I started taking Claratin-D but decided it stopped working after 2 days. Have I mentioned I'm impatient? Well... I am. I like things NOW. But... apparently allergy medications don't work like that so I was told that I need to try to take it for at least 2 weeks and see if that helps. (Rude Claratin!)

Well then I started googling... even though I've been forbidden from my husband, doctor, mom, friends, etc from googling because OMG those women on those boards will scare you about their 15 miscarriages and their kids with 3 arms and obviously it is SO COMMON AND OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY CHILD BY SLEEPING ON MY RIGHT SIDE!? (True story... one lady blamed herself for sleeping on her SIDE for her miscarriages).

SO... GOOGLE. I googled Post-Nasal Drip rememdies for pregnancy and you know what kept coming up? The dang Neti-Pot. I don't know how many of you have ever even heard of this little gem, but basically its a teapot-like devices (smaller scale and plastic) that you fill with warm water and salt, and send it up your nose. You tip your head forward and to the side and the water is supposed to run out of the other nostril. HOW SICK IS THAT?!

During a particularly bad cold last winter I gave it a shot (my sister had one) and I honestly couldn't tell if it did anything, other then feeling incredibly weird. Never gave it a second thought until GOOGLE KNOWS ALL. So I got the neti pot, salt and water and attempted to clear my sinus cavities last night and see if it would help... SHOCKINGLY ENOUGH...IT DID!

I probably should've warned Tim that was what I was doing in our bathroom... So that way when he walked into the bathroom to get something he wasn't totally bombarded by the sight of water flowing out of one of my nostrils but whatever... WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF PREGNANCY, where there is no room for shame! I used it again this morning and it seems to be helping. It hasn't completely kicked the post nasal drip, but I also don't have a runny nose anymore, so YAY for that!

In other news, I had my second appointment this morning. Which I went to alone because Tim made the mistake of asking "Are you just going to complain to the doctor about all the symptoms at this one? Because I've already heard those" when I asked if he wanted to go to that appointment. Well not with that attitude mister! Everything is going well though... I was down 1 pound, which I had already lost 6 pounds my first visit... so at almost 15 weeks pregnant I'm down 7 pounds... wait, what?? No worries, doc said that's not uncommon and that she has faith I will make it up :)

I got to hear the heartbeat again today... a very health 155bpm (Tim was mad he didn't go when he heard this... hmmm should've listened to my complaining dear!). We made our next appointment for Oct 13, and we get to have the gender ultrasound!

But, I am impatient (warned you!) and we are going to a local ultrasound place that does gender scans starting at week 15, next saturday when I will be 16 weeks. We honestly don't care whether its a boy or girl, we just want to know :)... We are planning on testing some of those old-wives tales thanks to my friend Lauren who sent me a site with 51 of them!! Clearly they're all VERY scientific and I have faith the results will be....entertaining if not quite accurate.

That's all I've got for now... Probably not as snappy as my usual posts but I'm trying to at least give everyone an update :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The one with the Pregnancy Stupids

Have you ever felt like the connections are just not being made in your brain? Like the little neurons are having some serious communications issues the likes of Dr. Phil can't even fix? As if your hair was not just blonde, but the blonde-ness had seeped into your actual brain?? That, my friends, has been my life the past week. And I'm dubbing it "Pregnancy Stupids" because honestly, I think I would need to check myself into a padded room if I DIDN'T have an explanation for it!

Recent events involving Pregnancy Stupids:
  1. Repeating the question I asked my husband 1, 2, 3 times, all immediately after the other, until he finally got tired of repeating his answer and just silently looked at me... I didn't even realize I kept asking the same thing!
  2. Forgetting my purse in my desk drawer, making it halfway home and pulling into the gas station because I had been on E since that morning, and finally REALIZING the purse was at the office. Added to that my husband was out of town for the week. So I ended up doing what any normal 24-year-old, married and pregnant girl would do... I called my mom. Who graciously brought me gas money and a good dose of sanity for my hormone-crazed  mind. (THANKS MOM!!)
  3. Calling Tim in a very accusatory/panic-driven mood because the day he left for Fort Knox, I went to turn our AC on (that had been on that morning and I cut off) and IT WOULDN'T COME ON! I called and bitched at him (it was all his fault for leaving me for a work commitment and leaving WITH the AC ON, which I had to turn off... BUT STILL SOMEHOW HIS FAULT!) and bless Tim, he tried to talk me through checking to make sure things were running and finally just told me to let it sit for an hour and see if it cooled down.... which after the hour, and it was still not cool, I went to the wall thermostat to glare at it and its 80 degrees accusingly, only to realize I hadn't switched it to "COOL" 
  4. Having to have a colleague ask me 4 times for the same document before it suck in that I literally just had to open up an new email, attach a document, and send it off. For some reason remembering all those steps just really boggled me...
  5. Remembering my to-do list to the point where I had to REWRITE it every day on a new post it just so it would stay fresh in my mind... things like "Call Insurance Company before XX date--BIG DEAL TO GET MEDICAL BILLS PAID!"
I'm sure there are more examples of the pregnancy stupids, but this is all I can remember.  Can I chalk writing this post up with more amusing stories to a fault of the pregnancy stupids!?

mom... you need to buy more dogfood and pick up our medicine... mom... mom... MOM!