Monday, September 12, 2011

The one with the Neti Pot

Well I'm back with some fun, new, exciting symptoms! I literally told my doctor this morning that I must be having a girl and she will be a DRAMA QUEEN because holy mother of God I feel like I'm up to my eyeballs in symptoms!!

New life event: Allergies!

Now, I know that the summer-fall transition is always a time for allergies, and every year I might get the occastionally stuffy nose.. but this year it OUT OF CONTROL. I have TERRIBLE post nasal drip... where I can feel it all day long in the back of the throat, and all it does is aggrivate my already-annoying acid-reflux! WHAT THE HECK!?

Two weeks ago I was self-medicating (under doctor's approval!) with nightly Benadryl-induced comas, that at least offered me SOME relief from the runny nose, post nasal drip, and itchy eyes.This is not really an option during the days however... as my new bosses tend to FROWN on sleeping on my desk (probably with drool) in the middle of the day. Whatever, I'm pregnant, but apparently that excuse isn't good enough... slavedrivers! :)

SO I started taking Claratin-D but decided it stopped working after 2 days. Have I mentioned I'm impatient? Well... I am. I like things NOW. But... apparently allergy medications don't work like that so I was told that I need to try to take it for at least 2 weeks and see if that helps. (Rude Claratin!)

Well then I started googling... even though I've been forbidden from my husband, doctor, mom, friends, etc from googling because OMG those women on those boards will scare you about their 15 miscarriages and their kids with 3 arms and obviously it is SO COMMON AND OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY CHILD BY SLEEPING ON MY RIGHT SIDE!? (True story... one lady blamed herself for sleeping on her SIDE for her miscarriages).

SO... GOOGLE. I googled Post-Nasal Drip rememdies for pregnancy and you know what kept coming up? The dang Neti-Pot. I don't know how many of you have ever even heard of this little gem, but basically its a teapot-like devices (smaller scale and plastic) that you fill with warm water and salt, and send it up your nose. You tip your head forward and to the side and the water is supposed to run out of the other nostril. HOW SICK IS THAT?!

During a particularly bad cold last winter I gave it a shot (my sister had one) and I honestly couldn't tell if it did anything, other then feeling incredibly weird. Never gave it a second thought until GOOGLE KNOWS ALL. So I got the neti pot, salt and water and attempted to clear my sinus cavities last night and see if it would help... SHOCKINGLY ENOUGH...IT DID!

I probably should've warned Tim that was what I was doing in our bathroom... So that way when he walked into the bathroom to get something he wasn't totally bombarded by the sight of water flowing out of one of my nostrils but whatever... WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF PREGNANCY, where there is no room for shame! I used it again this morning and it seems to be helping. It hasn't completely kicked the post nasal drip, but I also don't have a runny nose anymore, so YAY for that!

In other news, I had my second appointment this morning. Which I went to alone because Tim made the mistake of asking "Are you just going to complain to the doctor about all the symptoms at this one? Because I've already heard those" when I asked if he wanted to go to that appointment. Well not with that attitude mister! Everything is going well though... I was down 1 pound, which I had already lost 6 pounds my first visit... so at almost 15 weeks pregnant I'm down 7 pounds... wait, what?? No worries, doc said that's not uncommon and that she has faith I will make it up :)

I got to hear the heartbeat again today... a very health 155bpm (Tim was mad he didn't go when he heard this... hmmm should've listened to my complaining dear!). We made our next appointment for Oct 13, and we get to have the gender ultrasound!

But, I am impatient (warned you!) and we are going to a local ultrasound place that does gender scans starting at week 15, next saturday when I will be 16 weeks. We honestly don't care whether its a boy or girl, we just want to know :)... We are planning on testing some of those old-wives tales thanks to my friend Lauren who sent me a site with 51 of them!! Clearly they're all VERY scientific and I have faith the results will be....entertaining if not quite accurate.

That's all I've got for now... Probably not as snappy as my usual posts but I'm trying to at least give everyone an update :)

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