Thursday, September 15, 2011

The one with the Pain in the Butt

So Tim told me yesterday he thinks I'm becoming a pregnancy hypocondriac. I told him I really, truly wish I was, because it would mean I really WASN'T experiencing all this stuff. But alas, I speak the truth... and my body has now decided to jump in and wreak havoc that I can't (fully) blame on my little navel orange (approx. 4.5 in).

Have you ever fallen on your butt while roller blading, sliding down the slide too fast, falling off a place you weren't supposed to be sitting on, or even slipping on ice and landing right on your tailbone? (I mean... me either. I'm TOTALLY graceful and haven't done the above mentioned multiple times). A few days ago I SWORE I must've taken a roller-blading trip and fallen during my dreams because my tailbone HURT. Like... I would grimace and usually groan out loud when sitting and standing, and walking for that matter. It was THAT painful!

I didn't attribute it to pregnancy at first because really, how random? The baby is in the front, and the emotional/hormonal/nasal/intestinal issues I understood (as the baby is the perfect parasite according to my doctor) but my tailbone? What the heck!? Well I Googled--yes I know... I'm not supposed to but let's be honest, will I ever truely NOT Google?!--and couldn't find any defninitive answers if my tailbone issues were related to my pregnancy or very violent dreams.

So I finally went to my last resort and called my doctor. Turns out, ready for this, it IS related to my little naval orange, as my body prepared for the massive basketball shape it would have to support. Simulataneously, your spine is curving to balance your weight the bigger you get, while your hips, joints, and liagments are becoming more relaxed and loose to accomodate widening and supporting the baby. From E-medicine: "Women experience a progressive increase in the anterior convex shape of the lumbar spine during pregnancy. This change, termed lordosis, helps keep the center of gravity stable and over the legs as the uterus enlarges."

Don't worry-- there's a picture to illustrate!

Oh my gosh, I know how jealous you all are of this, as it sound EXTREMELY fun and not painful AT ALL. But you lucky ladies will just have to wait until you get knocked up to experience these joys!

The other shifting and changing going on is something called round ligament pain, which occurs in your lower abdoment and happens when you strain your muscles that are slowly stretching out and expanding for your increasing stomach (uterus is entirely too adult for me to use seriously). I've learned... in conjuction of course with my bruised butt... that when you cough or sneeze... it creates and incredibly sharp shooting pain sensation in said area.

The key, then, is to avoid you know, coughing and sneezing... but when you're dealing with allergies (HI NETI POT) its not so easy to just switch off.

I swear I'm not complaining (much)... and I swear I'm not exaggerating. I can't even make half this crap up if I really tried (seriously... a bruised butt!?). Hopefully next week all my hunches about my little diva will be confirmed... but as Tim pointed out, any son of his is bound to be a pain in the butt JUNIOR soooo it looks like the good times will just keep rollin' either way. :)


  1. Allergies are kicking my butt, too. :( If I could take my 24hr Allegra-D, I'd be sneezing so much less and have about 99.9% less RLP. Too bad my OB told me I can't take the Allegra-D.

    I'm happy not to have the tailbone pain, but would gladly trade the sciatic pain for tailbone pain right now.

    I'm trying not to complain much either. :)

  2. Oh my gosh, it hurt so bad to sit when I was pregnant!! I constantly told my husband that it felt like all the padding on my butt had disappeared! It felt bruised when I sat down, no matter how padded the seat was! It eventually goes away, don't worry. It's so funny what your body does when you're pregnant! But you WILL feel normal again, someday!

  3. You guys really make me look forward to gettin pregnant one day. Not. Mental note - look into adoption when the time comes
