Thursday, September 1, 2011

The one with the Pregnancy Stupids

Have you ever felt like the connections are just not being made in your brain? Like the little neurons are having some serious communications issues the likes of Dr. Phil can't even fix? As if your hair was not just blonde, but the blonde-ness had seeped into your actual brain?? That, my friends, has been my life the past week. And I'm dubbing it "Pregnancy Stupids" because honestly, I think I would need to check myself into a padded room if I DIDN'T have an explanation for it!

Recent events involving Pregnancy Stupids:
  1. Repeating the question I asked my husband 1, 2, 3 times, all immediately after the other, until he finally got tired of repeating his answer and just silently looked at me... I didn't even realize I kept asking the same thing!
  2. Forgetting my purse in my desk drawer, making it halfway home and pulling into the gas station because I had been on E since that morning, and finally REALIZING the purse was at the office. Added to that my husband was out of town for the week. So I ended up doing what any normal 24-year-old, married and pregnant girl would do... I called my mom. Who graciously brought me gas money and a good dose of sanity for my hormone-crazed  mind. (THANKS MOM!!)
  3. Calling Tim in a very accusatory/panic-driven mood because the day he left for Fort Knox, I went to turn our AC on (that had been on that morning and I cut off) and IT WOULDN'T COME ON! I called and bitched at him (it was all his fault for leaving me for a work commitment and leaving WITH the AC ON, which I had to turn off... BUT STILL SOMEHOW HIS FAULT!) and bless Tim, he tried to talk me through checking to make sure things were running and finally just told me to let it sit for an hour and see if it cooled down.... which after the hour, and it was still not cool, I went to the wall thermostat to glare at it and its 80 degrees accusingly, only to realize I hadn't switched it to "COOL" 
  4. Having to have a colleague ask me 4 times for the same document before it suck in that I literally just had to open up an new email, attach a document, and send it off. For some reason remembering all those steps just really boggled me...
  5. Remembering my to-do list to the point where I had to REWRITE it every day on a new post it just so it would stay fresh in my mind... things like "Call Insurance Company before XX date--BIG DEAL TO GET MEDICAL BILLS PAID!"
I'm sure there are more examples of the pregnancy stupids, but this is all I can remember.  Can I chalk writing this post up with more amusing stories to a fault of the pregnancy stupids!?

mom... you need to buy more dogfood and pick up our medicine... mom... mom... MOM!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh the pregnancy stupids. With my first (a boy) I didn't really have them. Super easy, happy, wonderful pregnancy. With my second (a girl) I swear she sucked my brains out the instant she was created! But, once your baby is born (I'm guessing girl!) you'll be back to normal. I remember a few days after she was born, I thought "wow! I remembered {whatever it was}!" Like I actually had a brain and could remember things again! It's crazy. Pregnancy will do that to you. Just wait til your sore, swollen, near the end, and EVERYONE and their mother says "are you sure there aren't TWO in there?? You're HUGE!" That's SO fun. But it really is worth it! Promise :)
    (btw, found you from Chelsea's blog!)
