Friday, August 12, 2011

The one with THE CRAZY

So folks, I am FINALLY inching my way out of the first trimester and setting sail into the second. Today started 11 weeks, so just a few more weeks to go (don't even get me started on how 40 weeks makes 9 months?). I am happy to report though, that the never ending nausea seems to be easing (Yes, I did actually knock on fake manufactured wood as I typed that. I'm taking no chances here, people).

What doesn't seem to be easing? The never ending emotional ride. And I wish someone would give me and Tim a helmet for this stuff because it is not going to be easy. Especially if it gets worse, as people have warned me.

I'll give you a few examples of THE CRAZY that has been invading our household. (Hi TIM! Look, I'm telling other people about THE CRAZY so you know I'm not really mad at you, I'm just emotionally unbalanced!)

  • Bursting into tears at a Chinese Buffet. While I dragged Tim to go to said buffet (Chinese not being his favorite) I then decided it was a WONDERFUL time to unload on him about not doing enough around the house (which I was SO JUSTIFIED in my head!). When questioned what he's not doing, (after he had just done laundry and cleaned and swept the living room) the examples I came up with included "Going grocery shopping" "reading the baby books" and my favorite "not telling me I look pretty 24/7." Note: These are all horrible examples for the following reasons:
    • Tim has been a soldier for the past 6+ years of his life, living in barracks with food provided, or having all of his check to blow on daily fast food runs. His version of grocery shopping includes buying ramen noodles, apples, maybe some deli meat (but forgets bread) and cereal (sometimes remembering the milk). I have said I will soon teach him how to grocery shop (THEN tackle, you know, how to COOK) but have not yet done so. SO really, I'm not sure how I can expect him to do the grocery shopping in this case.
    • Tim has read a few chapters in the baby book, but he also has 5 sisters and 10 nieces and nephews. Two of his sisters lived at home when he was growing up when they were pregnant, so the concept of a pregnant woman is not new to him. I also make it a point to tell him every new thing I read in the book... so really, what's the point in him reading the book himself?
    • Tim does tell me I'm pretty. I choose to imagine he does so only when prompted or I choose to brush it aside. He told me I was glowing when we first saw the baby and my response was "you feel like you have to say that whether I was or wasn't." So, hmmm. Maybe I should stop complaining and listen more?
  • Volunteering to pick up Tim's dress jacket from the alterations place on my way home from work yesterday, since I didn't want him to go on Wednesday after the doctor's appointment. I wanted him to go to my parent's house with me instead. And this dress jacket had to be done and picked up ASAP since it has to be dry cleaned before Monday. I KNEW all of this. This did not stop me from calling him up in a frenzy because OH MY GOD YOU HAVE MADE ME DRIVE TO THE GHETTO TO PICK THIS UP AND SCARY GUYS ARE LOOKING AT ME AT 4PM WHILE I'M IN MY CAR AND HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME. 
    • Ok. Maybe I knew to begin with the place he used (he still doesn't know Indy very well) was at the corner of Lafayette Rd and 38th Street. By an old run down mall we refer to as "Lafayette Scare" instead of Lafayette Square, and where they have bars on the store windows. And maybe, the place really isn't TERRIBLE, especially during the day, and is just 2 minutes out of my way on my drive home. STILL! HOW DARE HE MAKE ME VOLUNTEER TO GO THERE!
  • Almost coming at him like a hormone crazed spider monkey when he very politely asked if one of the tubs of ice cream that I bought were for him. As in, asking if there was one he was specifically not to have. And in my mind he was TELLING me that he was going to eat all my ice cream and HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO ME! And he ended up eating a very small bowl of ice cream in fear THE CRAZY would come find him in his sleep if he dared eat more.
    • I actually bought the ice cream on impulse, not out of a craving. I figured eventually I would want ice cream and it'd be nice to have for those moments, but I was not knee deep in mint chocolate chip like a starving woman trying to fend off the animals from my life source. But... I guess I might've reacted like that. 
That's all I've got for now. I'm sure more episodes of THE CRAZY will come up, and I will look back on them like I'm doing now and just cringe. I honestly wonder why that man hasn't started turning our guest bedroom into a mancave, or at least why he still agrees to sit in the same room with me. By the end of this I think he will deserve that newer TV he's been hinting for (but maybe not so much the gun he also wants... at least not until THE CRAZY is gone.)


  1. So um....if I kind of do similar things, but am not there something wrong:) I'm just kidding...kind of

  2. Love that you named it "The Crazy" I may have to use this term the next time I feel like it might be coming.
