Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The one with the Little Prune and the bible

So in my posts I've been referring to the living creature inside me (that's what Tim lovingly calls it as he's holding my hair back from the toilet and getting me water) as "Little Green Olive" and now, we have graduated to a Little Prune.

I'd love to tell you that I'm witty enough to come up with these adorable food comparisons on my own, but I steal them from my current pregnancy bible, What to Expect When You're Expecting. And not just the book people... there is an APP for it!

Now for those of you non-creature carrying ladies out there, you might not have heard of this book, but believe me, you will. It covers everything you ever need to know about pregnancy, broken down by weeks, and includes tips to deal with all the symptoms you find overcoming your body. It also has little tidbits... like... this Little Prune is going to have MASSIVE amounts of hair because apparently the more heartburn you have during pregnancy, the more hair your child will be born with. WHO KNEW!?

There's also a section for dads that explains THE CRAZY that will be going on in their partner for the next 9 months. Every few days I ask Tim if he's read the book yet (he loves that question, especially as he's trying to fall asleep!). I now completely understand Katherine Heigl's anger in "Knocked Up" when Seth Rogan didn't read the baby books! "I'm not crazy honey... just read the book... the author will be a completely non-biased third party that will tell you I'm not crazy and oh yeah how to be prepared for a baby too."

Now, ladies, if you don't want to take the time to read the very long book--never fear! There is a movie coming near you in 2012. The synopsis is "A look at the lives of four couples as they prepare to become parents"... ohhhhhh intriguing and never been done in Hollywood! BUT never fear, as there are many well-known names to add to this complicated plot to include Elizabeth Banks, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lopez, Dennis Quaid, Chris Rock, and Chase Crawford. You're salivating over that list aren't you?

I'm positive it will show every angle of pregnancy discussed in the book. Especially the chapters about varicose veins and constipation. And include the pictures that show the size of your uterus (now a grapefruit!).

But I digress, as I have read the book, but will probably still see the movie as it will undoubtedly be portrayed as a chick flick, and I usually don't miss a good chick flick!

Onto stuff the Little Prune did this week!

Last week, Tim and I went to eat at Red Lobster with my parents to celebrate his promotion at work.

Side Rant: actually, he's not officially promoted because its the Army and they make everything difficult. Basically his unit made him go in front of a bunch of commanders ("The Board") and answer questions to include being scrutinized down to the last button on his uniform, and in the end they recommended him to become an E-6 Staff Sergeant. (YAY!) But it's not that simple, unit! You must wait until 30 days are up AND THEN the soldier must have enough points! Ah, you might ask how you get the points and how many you need? Well the answer is that changes every single month so really you will never know in advance when you might actually make it. HA. We're the Army and we're here to help!

Anywho. We went to eat and as the all day nausea has still be just hanging around (so nice of it to spend my days with me. Just when I thought I would get lonely there it is!) and I THOUGHT I'd be safe with some steamed crab legs (PROTEIN! OMEGA 3! GOOD!) and regular broccoli, both without anything on them including butter. And we had a lovely time and a lovely meal and then I got home.

And the Little Prune DOES NOT LIKE SEA FOOD HOW DARE YOU TRY TO FEED ME THAT! And so that nice (expensive) dinner was not to be digested that night.

The next night, we went to BW3's with my sister and I tried the mini corn dogs and they stayed down! Yay! And Monday night I worked my agency's booth at the Indiana State Fair and had a pork sandwich and corn on the cob and it stayed down!

Then last night we went to get Chinese food because OMG FRIED RICE IS THE GREATEST THING EVER MADE AND I NEED TO EAT ALL OF IT NOW! Except. Little Prune does not like Chinese food. So it wasn't digested that night.

So based on these facts I have come to the conclusion that my Little Prune is a Redneck.

It hates seafood (that fancy stuff!), it definitely disagrees with Chinese (Where' the Amerrrrcan food?!) but LOVES fried, fatty foods (mmmm, where's the beer to wash it down!?). I can find no other reasoning for it. 

So Little Prune, looks like we're going to be having some etiquette classes when you start having tea parties.

1 comment:

  1. take little prune to good ol LJS (long john silvers) bet it'll love that Amerrrrcan seafood
